Josh Platt - Founder, Maine Environmental Solutions

Josh Platt is the founder of Maine Environmental Solutions and has been working as a leader in the environmental field for over a decade.

Years of field experience and an understanding of the Maine physical and political landscape, lend Josh the ability to provide customers with tailored solutions to both complex and simple environmental issues. Josh has worked with hundreds of landowners around the state providing a wide variety of services from assisting the small landowner with drainage issues to providing Third Party Inspection services for large-scale construction projects and Environmental Assessment for major land transactions.

Josh received his Bachelor of Science from the School of Natural Resources & Forestry at the University of Maine, Orono.  He spent 10 years as a Project Manager and Watershed Project Field Staff for the Kennebec County Soil & Water Conservation District providing technical assistance, education and training to landowners, school groups, lake associations, contractors and municipalities throughout Kennebec County.  Josh has partnered with DEP’s Non-Point Source Training & Resource Center on many occasions to present on a variety of erosion control topics and is a DEP Certified Contractor who serves as an evaluator for the program.

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Josh Platt - Founder, Maine Environmental Solutions

Josh Platt - Founder, Maine Environmental Solutions